Lately university has become increasingly fun with all the different nationalities mixing together and getting to know each other. In my class there are 4 japanese people, 3 coreans, 2 chinese, 1 german, 1 american and me. Makes out for some funny moments, especially when we are trying to communicate with each other in russian. You’d thought we’d all speak english but some of us don’t.

Last week we were working on these classic russian cartoons called “Ералаш”, and started to discuss pets and dogs in particular. Followed a surreal scene where everyone proceeded to show how to bark in their language. The russians say “gaf gaf”, the french “vouf vouf”, the chinese something else etc… It was hilarious, we just couldn’t stop laughing.

When I look at this group of young people I can’t help but feel great. Everyone’s spirit is very positive and open-minded. There is a healthy curiosity for each other’s culture and a desire to interact and connect. Kanako and I have some great conversation in russian for example, in which we burst into laughter every other word as it’s so tough to express yourself with so few words for now…

Anyway, I think this russian class would be an anthropologist’s delight.


  1. Catherine

    Melting potes …!?

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